在左边, 一个露出牙齿微笑的女人的脸, 在右边, a tube of 牙膏 smearing 牙膏 | 的态度


如何 选择 牙膏 这是 适合


It's essential to take care of 你r oral health 和 choosing the right 牙膏 is a key component in what should be 你r daily brushing routine. 有这么多可用的公式, it’s no wonder people find themselves wondering if they should use a 含氟牙膏 or a 无氟牙膏. 在本文中, we’ll explore the pros 和 cons of both options to help 你 make an informed decision. 

什么是氟化物? 为什么它被用于牙齿护理? 


Fluoride is a mineral that is naturally found in water, air, soil 和 certain foods. 它有很多用途, 包括对饮用水加氟, 保护木材, 制造玻璃和清洁产品, 当然, 口腔卫生. 


Studies have proven fluoride’s ability to prevent 和 fight cavities,[1]这就是牙医鼓励使用它的原因.




  • 强化牙釉质. Fluoride helps enamel’s remineralization process (enamel being the tooth’s protective layer). Robust enamel is more resistant to erosion that can be the result of acidity, 和 wear 和 tear. 
  • 对抗牙菌斑. Fluoride inhibits the growth of bacteria that is responsible for dental plaque, 从而减少蛀牙的风险.
  • 补充矿质. Fluoride penetrates tooth enamel 和 regenerates weak areas; 这 helps to slow enamel deterioration 和 repair areas that have started to weaken, 停止蛀牙的发展.


含氟牙膏 does in fact make a difference by having a positive impact on dental health. 然而, some people prefer, for a variety of reasons, to use 无氟牙膏. 


含氟牙膏 or 无氟牙膏:重点 


Face of a woman brushing her teeth with a bamboo toothbrush


It must be obvious by now: The main difference between 含氟牙膏无氟牙膏 是氟化物的存在(或缺乏). 含氟牙膏的 effectiveness rests upon the proven ability of the naturally derived ingredient of fluoride to prevent cavities 和 strengthen tooth enamel. 无氟牙膏 rely instead on other ingredients like baking soda 和 green tea extract that have cleaning, 美白清爽. 

Here’s a summary of the pros 和 cons of each option: 




  • 有效预防蛀牙. Numerous scientific studies confirm fluoride’s effectiveness in preventing 和 combating cavities.
  • 搪瓷补充矿质. Fluoride helps to repair areas of enamel that have been demineralized.
  • Recommended by the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) 和 the World Health Organization (WHO). The CDA recommends prudent use of fluoride in preventive care 和 daily care products to prevent tooth decay.



  • 有轻微的氟斑牙风险. According to Health Canada, dental fluorosis manifests as white spots on adult tooth enamel. It occurs when very large amounts of fluoride are ingested during early childhood while permanent teeth are developing under the gums. Dental fluorosis can be avoided by following the recommended 牙膏 dosage instructions 和 consulting with a dentist for advice for children who are under three years of age.




  • 适合对氟化物敏感的人. Some people may experience mild gum irritation when using 含氟牙膏. Fluoride-free牙膏 可能是一个不错的选择.
  • 个人偏好. Some people may simply prefer to avoid fluoride in oral care routines.


  • 防止蛀牙的效果较差. 虽然有些成分 无氟牙膏 may contain cleaning properties, these do not offer the same level of protection against cavities as 含氟牙膏.
  • 无法修复牙釉质. Fluoride-free牙膏 牙釉质不能再矿化.






Choosing the right 牙膏 should be based upon 你r needs 和 你r oral health. 在决定之前,请考虑以下因素: 


  • 腔的风险. 你有填充物吗? If 这是 the case, it’s probably better to opt for a 含氟牙膏 这样可以提供最佳的蛀牙保护.
  • 灵敏度. Are 你r teeth sensitive when encountering heat, cold, sugar, acids or fluoride? 或许可以考虑一下 fluoride-free牙膏 包含 硝酸钾. 这 naturally derived ingredient helps reduce tooth sensitivity 和 protects the tooth’s nerves to provide long-term hypersensitivity relief.
  • 美白. If having a bright, sparkling smile is a priority, think about a 牙膏 包含 羟磷灰石. It’s a mineral-based ingredient that helps remove plaque 和 makes teeth shine.
  • 年龄. CDA建议使用 含氟牙膏 for children three years of age 和 你nger only if they run the risk of getting cavities.[2] For 你ng children who do not fall into that category 和 also who have yet to develop the ability to spit properly, 最好使用a 孩子们的 无氟牙膏 避免氟牙症.
  • 味道. Feel free to 选择 你r 牙膏 based upon its taste. Peppermint, spearmint, fruity flavours: There are plenty of options to accommodate everyone! 这 无氟牙膏 made with clean ingredients according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a winner for instantly freshening 你r breath.

总之, 含氟牙膏 is the solution favoured by dentists for optimal protection against cavities. 然而, 无氟牙膏 is an option for people who experience sensitivity or who want to avoid fluoride. 如果你还在观望, please consult with 你r dentist for personalized advice based on the specific needs of 你r teeth 和 take a look at the following articles contain additional information: 


Once 你’ve decided upon the 牙膏 that best suits 你r needs, we feel it’s our duty to remind 你: Don’t forget to floss! ;) 




[1] http://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/healthy-living/your-health/environment/fluorides-human-health.html 


[2] http://www.cda-adc.ca/en/about/position_statements/fluoride/ 


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